The Catholic Church in France prepares to commemorate the 80th anniversary of Normandy landings June 6, a date known as D-Day ...
The Reverend Andrew Bennett is a deacon of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Toronto and Eastern Canada.
The elderly must not be accused of saddling younger generations with their medical expenses and pensions — a notion which ...
At 70 years of age, Dr. Gordon Okawara says he has much to be grateful for, from his decades-long volunteer music ministry at ...
Though Acutis engaged in pastimes very familiar to young people who are in their teens, 20s and 30s, Cyfko said it is ...
For almost 50 years, Msgr. Tom Raby delighted readers of The Catholic Register with his folksy observations of life and people in his weekly column “The Little World of Father Raby.” Following two ...
As with the disciples who walked the earth with Jesus, belonging to Him means belonging to each other — and this raises ...
In the following text, regular Catholic Register columnist Deacon Andrew Bennett asks readers a question at the heart of a ...
What do you get when you combine the indefatigability of a religious sister, the impassioned altruism of a Calgary parishioner and the astonishing generosity and mobilizing power of the Society of St.
A University of Ottawa statue honouring the late Fr. Joseph-Henri Tabaret, OMI located steps from a pro-Palestinian ...
Six Ontario secondary school systems are joining forces with the Lung Health Foundation to combat student vaping. Simcoe ...
A message from Pope Francis on the inaugural World Children’s Day in Rome, May 25 2024. I want to speak to each of you, dear children, because, as the Bible teaches us, and as Jesus showed so often, ...