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Little Quick Fire Hydrangea #3 Container

The Little Quick Fire® Hydrangea is a new, remarkable, smaller and earlier-flowering form of the panicle hydrangea. It begins to bloom a full month before traditional varieties, so it extends the season, and it is in bloom for months and months. It remains smaller than others too, growing to around 3 feet tall, and never more than 5 feet, so it fits p…
The Little Quick Fire® Hydrangea is a new, remarkable, smaller and earlier-flowering form of the panicle hydrangea. It begins to bloom a full month before traditional varieties, so it extends the season, and it is in bloom for months and months. It remains smaller than others too, growing to around 3 feet tall, and never more than 5 feet, so it fits perfectly into smaller spaces, or in planters and pots. The flowers first appear green, and quickly turn white, forming conical heads with about 75 flowers in each one. By late summer they are blushed pink, and as the cooler weather arrives for fall, they darken until they are a rich reddish-purple color, making a striking fall display. This plant is not only very easy to grow, it is hardy even in zone 3, so it can be grown where other types of hydrangeas cannot grow. If you garden in a cold region, or have a small garden anywhere, you cannot be without this great plant. - Beautiful white blooms turn rich red in fall - Smaller size for smaller gardens and planters - Blooms a full month earlier than other types - Blooms profusely even in zone 3 - Very easy to grow in sun or shade Grow the Little Quick Fire® Hydrangea in sun or partial shade. In hotter areas afternoon shade is preferable. It grows in any kind of soil, except for wet, soggy ones. Add some organic material when planting to give your plant the best start possible. Use a slow-release fertilizer designed for flowering shrubs in spring. This plant has no significant pests or diseases, and despite its great beauty it is very easy for anyone to grow this plant successfully. The only care needed is a little basic pruning in early spring, just as the new shoots appear.
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The Little Quick Fire® Hydrangea is a new, remarkable, smaller and earlier-flowering form of the panicle hydrangea. It begins to bloom a full month before traditional varieties, so it extends the season, and it is in bloom for months and months. It remains smaller than others too, growing to around 3 feet tall, and never more than 5 feet, so it fits perfectly into smaller spaces, or in planters and pots. The flowers first appear green, and quickly turn white, forming conical heads with about 75 flowers in each one. By late summer they are blushed pink, and as the cooler weather arrives for fall, they darken until they are a rich reddish-purple color, making a striking fall display. This plant is not only very easy to grow, it is hardy even in zone 3, so it can be grown where other types of hydrangeas cannot grow. If you garden in a cold region, or have a small garden anywhere, you cannot be without this great plant. - Beautiful white blooms turn rich red in fall - Smaller size for smaller gardens and planters - Blooms a full month earlier than other types - Blooms profusely even in zone 3 - Very easy to grow in sun or shade Grow the Little Quick Fire® Hydrangea in sun or partial shade. In hotter areas afternoon shade is preferable. It grows in any kind of soil, except for wet, soggy ones. Add some organic material when planting to give your plant the best start possible. Use a slow-release fertilizer designed for flowering shrubs in spring. This plant has no significant pests or diseases, and despite its great beauty it is very easy for anyone to grow this plant successfully. The only care needed is a little basic pruning in early spring, just as the new shoots appear.